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Valerie has presented to many varied audiences throughout the U.S., including:

Testimonials from past seminar participants:

“The instructor was amazing! Very engaging and offered great advice. Best seminar I’ve been to so far.”

“She was great, funny and knowledgeable.”

“Showed me improvements I can make for myself as well as my employees. The entire seminar was outstanding.”

“Very interactive. I have new approaches to handle difficult situations.”

“New ideas for improving employee morale and enthusiasm.”

“Exceeded expectations.  Simple & relevant – can be used on a day-to-day basis. I will be able to apply what I learned to help employees grow.”

“Extremely beneficial, very helpful to be reminded about the value of learning how to motivate, drive and support employees and be given the tools to do it.”

“Truly wonderful presentation with excellent oration!  Valerie has great energy!  All of our managers are better because of her seminar.  She gets it done with passion and compassion.”

“I’ll be able to go back and feel energized to get my team motivated.”

“Great seminar leader, funny, high energy, welcoming. Very thought-provoking. This seminar is going to help me communicate better with my team.

“Was a team building event.”

“Very informative and offered lots of tools to use to help build my leadership skills and motivate my team.”

Schedule a free 30-minute coaching consultation today!

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Have a question? Contact Valerie Vigoda: valerie@valrosesolutions.com or (781) 771-9496.